Tuesday 9 June 2015

Ostrołęka school fun

Halina (CS host) from Ostrołęka is more than pleased to have a native english speaker on hand to help her with her English lessons. She's an English teacher and within 15 minutes of arriving, I am conversing with her elite after-school class in her home. 
While bringing her dog (Betty, a boxer) for a walk about town, involving Betty performing somersaults that would make dolphins jealous, we have a beer in the most-like-an-Irish-bar in town. 
One thing striking about polish people is just how polite they are - a girl in the bar politely asks whether she can give Betty a bowl of water and is thrilled to do so. 
Rather than getting an early start the next morning to tackle strong headwinds and  140km distance, another opportunity presents itself: a chance to visit Halina's school and talk to some of the pupils about this trip, Ireland and anything else that pops into my head. Other teachers get a whiff of this action and suddenly I am talking to many classes. 
Well worth talking the time and learn that there is an organised football hooligan sport consisting of two teams of 11, with similar rules to fight club and dodgeball as far as I could make out.

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