After a final double lunch at the temple, I am off exploring south.
I am forewarned by Govram to be especially careful of the bandit country into which I am treading. As with all advice about dangers in this country, it proved to be untrue.
Caldono is a small town well off the main road to Popayan. It is full of indigenous people and my CS host works as a nurse trying to spread preventative advice in this population.
Although "Ikari" has only one room, he is actively involved in CouchSurfing and happy to talk about his time in Germany, heavy metal and manga. Sleep proves troublesome; the floor is harder than expected, or maybe I am getting softer. He is so dedicated that he has invited me to stay, although his girlfriend is visiting at the same time.
Not much to see in this mostly agricultural town, but the locals are friendly and the food fresh. Discovered that drinking Poker beer (the beer drank by the real Columbian) and hanging out in pool halls are the extent of nighttime activities here. And everything closed before 10pm on a Saturday night.
Time to get on the Jesus bus to Popayan. Sometimes it is really worth having a deity nearby for those death-defying bus maneuvers on cliff-sided roads. Great view though.